Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Destroy Troy!

As the Troy Trojans come to town, Owl fans are wondering if we can wrap them up. Will we be able to keep them from busting through the middle? Can we stop them from hitting on all cylinders from every side and every angle? Can we seal them in, and keep them from a big day of (re)production?

Okay, that's enough with the jokes, but seriously, the Owls need a win here today to keep this season from being a lost cause. A conference title is still reachable with one loss, but two losses isn't very feasible. And anything other than a conference title is a step backwards for the program.

To compare the teams, the Trojans were the conference champions two years ago, and we are defending the Sun-Belt Conference title. We beat them last year, but they beat the MTSU Blue Raiders this year, and we are coming off a heart breaker against them.

It's time to lock the Trojans up in Lockhart. We must "Destroy Troy", as Student Government's slogan put it. We must, okay I'm done with the cliches, too.

Bottom line is we better shape up or ship out (sorry I lied about the cliches) because I know I won't be excited to watch this team play anymore with another loss. Rusty needs to return to last years form and the defense needs to keep going with it's improvement. If the football team wants to have their continued Owls supporters, they need to give us something worth supporting, because so far this year it's been embarrassing.

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