Monday, March 26, 2012

Google Ads Is A Scam

Google has the opposite mentality of Robin Hood.  Google steals from the poor and gives to the rich.

In the middle of the night on March 19th Google ransacked my blog, took down all of my Google AdSense advertisements, and pillaged all of my earnings while blocking my Google Ads account.  Google Adsense sent me an email saying they “determined that (my) AdSense account poses a risk of generating invalid activity.”

Un-coincidentally I’m sure... I was supposed to be getting my first ever check from Google Ads at the end of this month.  I finally reached my threshold to receive pay.

I’ve had this blog for nearly four years now and in the last couple months I started writing more, which generated more of a viewership.  Once I started writing again I noticed my Google Ads were missing from my blog, so I did some research and found out they were not showing because a pin number was sent to me that I never received.  Of course, Google never notified me of a pin number being sent to me or why my advertisements were removed.

I requested my pin, received it this time, and got my Google Ads back.  Readers of my blog noticed the advertisements, which related to the stories I write, and clicked on them.  My profits were doubling each month.

I read more into the possible reasons for why my account was blocked and wrote an appeal last night at 10pm.  Once I submitted the appeal a page popped up stating it would take about a week to hear back from Google about their decision.

In the Terms and Conditions it states that you are not allowed to generate clicks on the advertisement links by encouraging people to click on the links, which makes absolutely makes no sense.  As a friend of mine said, “If you opened a store and told your friends about it and they showed up and bought things that would be awesome.”  To me, it’s all a part of advertising.  No matter how those people get there, they got there.
I can understand a spam automatically generated system that send people directly to the site being a problem, but when people are literally clicking on an advertisement because it interests them then I don’t see the problem.

I did encourage people on Facebook a couple times to notice the new advertisement links, but never told anyone to click on them a bunch of times so I can earn more money.  If people did do this, I can’t control that, but Google sure seems to have the intelligence to figure out which clicks were valid or were invalid.

But just because they seem to have the intelligence doesn’t mean they do have the intelligence.  Remember to never assume.. you know how the saying goes.

Well, I received my appeal answer much earlier than I expected.  In fact, I received it at 12:45am this morning, not even three hours after I wrote the appeal!  That tells me I received a generated response and I never had a chance.  I mean really, who is working that diligently on my blog appeal between 10pm and 1am on a Sunday night/Monday morning east coast time?  I don’t care where you are in the world.

As I’m sure you can tell by how this blog has gone, my appeal was rejected.  I wanted to ask Google exactly why my request was denied even after my very detailed appeal explaining what my blog is about and what could have possibly happened, but of course an explanation from Google is not an option.

I called Google's contact number and spoke to a person who said she can't give me any information and that none of Google's products provide human customer services.  I asked for her name and she said, "Agent ID 3036."  I laughed and asked, "So they don't even let you give out your name?"  She chuckled and said, "No they don't."  No joke... this just happened to me a couple minutes ago.

So little old Edwin The Bear found a way to get a piece of Google’s pie and as soon as I was about to have my piece handed over, the Google AdSense Nazi said “No Check For You!”

So now, the advertisers that received views from my blog get their money back and benefit from the views I gave their websites.  I'll be contacting those advertisers in hopes to get them back on this blog, which includes Baseball Express, ITT Tech,, and others.

Good one Google!   Congratulations on being the Sheriff of Nottinghnam!

Just to be clear, I will continue writing blogs and will use this Google blockage crap as motivation.

My own advertising business is coming soon…

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