Thursday, May 14, 2009

Twins Have Different Fathers!

I never knew this was even possible, but here is a story about twins that have two different fathers. Below is the lovely couple that decided to stay together and raise the kids.

Noooooow here's the kids.

Unfortunately I couldn't find a picture of the guy the mother had the affair with.

I wonder if the male mistress has to pay child support?

By the way, did you know there's no actual term for a male mistress? Here is the proof, according to Wikipedia.

They had to been having a three some right? Maybe not, but now the question is how long this will take to make it to Maury or Jerry Springer.

I never even knew this situation was possible. This is a story I can imagine a mother making up to scare her daughter out of having sex.

Better yet, this needs to be shown to all the women out there to scare them out of thinking about having multiple partners. It would help decrease the amount of diseases going around and would help fathers and older brothers relax.

It's a great thing that the children were born and made it but I am pondering this.

Should we consider this a miracle or should we consider this women a moron?

I choose all of the above.

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