Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lebron the Let-Down

I guess that’s Lebron. It looks like his pointy bearded jaw in the fuzzy video and it looks like his humongous body frame that gave a half assed effort at blocking the dunk. But is this really the video they were talking about?

THIS video is what all the hype was about! I was expecting to see Jordan Crawford’s nuts in Lebron’s grill as he pushed his faced down and hung from the rim. Sorry, that’s just what came to mind.

He didn’t even get dunked on! He was just late helping out on defense during a pick-up game. Who cares?

I was expecting to see something like Vince Carter’s dunk over that French guy…

...or MJ’s dunk over Patrick Ewing.

What a load of TMZ camera phone recorded crap! I’m really getting tired of everything surrounding Lebron James being a huge let down. His NBA Finals appearance, his team’s best record in the league and MVP season amounting to nothing, his team getting their butts whooped and him skipping the media’s questions, his shoe looking so damn ugly, etcetera, etcetera, and the let down’s continue.

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