Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The MLB Radar Is Detecting the Defecting Chapman

That emotional, young left-handed Cuban pitcher that averaged around a 100mph fastball in the World Baseball Classic this year is one step closer to reaching the major leagues.

Aroldis Chapman defected from Cuba during a four country tournament in the Netherlands where his Cuban National Team was competing. He simply walked out the hotel room his team was staying at and hopped into a car waiting outside.

That’s a lot easier of an escape from Cuba than all the Cuban’s that journey across the Atlantic on rafts, sometimes to the death, hoping to land in Miami and not get caught. Even though Chapman has the luxury of getting a flight over to the states, he’s still scheduled to land in Miami.

That’s ironic. I wonder if he already has family there. I know he’s not going to Miami for a work out with the Florida Marlins because they won’t pay him the eight figure contract he'll be offered by the Red Sox, Mets, and Yankees.

Chapman’s regarded as the best Cuban defector since Jose Contreras, who also easily left Cuba during a tournament, his was in Mexico. I can't believe the Castro’s don't have men watching their country’s top talents every step.

Contreras, Livan Hernandez, and his half brother Orlando Hernandez, better known as El Duque, are the best defectors in recent memory. They’ve thrown some meaningful innings in World Series games and led fairly successful careers. They never lived up to their hype, but weren’t a complete bust either.

Expect Chapman to be the newer, younger version of Contreras and the Hernandez brothers. Hyped and exciting in his first couple of years, but he’ll fade as he grows older. Well, that is unless he uses the Roger Clemens work out plan.

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