Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bitches Need To Stop Blackmailing Athletes and Millionaires

I wrote this article as Tim Kash...

Since when did it become legal to blackmail?

It seems there's a coalition called the Nasty Ass Bitches (NAB) that have a list of men to blackmail.

Well, the newest victim just got checked off their list... Michael Irvin. In the past it's been Ben Roethlisberger, Kobe Bryant, and a ton of others.

The NAB find athletes and millionaires in a drunken state of mind, then hang their one night chiqui chiqui bang bang over their heads. When the man says they aren't giving the hors money, the NAB claim rape, make it public, and take it to court. Most of the time this causes the athletes and millionaires reputation to be damaged and their jobs to be lost.

I don't get how a woman can claim rape three years after it happened and not even file a criminal suit! How is that legal?! These women make outrageous claims of rape when they are obviously just gold diggin tramps out for the money because they only file civil suits!

Who the hell wakes up one morning and thinks... hmmm, I kind of remember like three years ago Michael Irvin did me in one night and I don't think I really wanted it to happen. That man raped me!

I know if Irvin put his sh--long inside of me I'd remember the next morning. I'd be forced to remember from the pain, bleeding, and swelling in my buttocks region.

The NAB is in it all for the money. When are the courts going to start dismissing these stupid claims and realize what’s going on?

If you been raped female dog, then report it the next day. Don't wait years down the road during Super Bowl weekend to say hey... I got raped by this millionaire athlete back in the day, it's time for my pay day. If you women are serious then tell someone the next day. That way you'll get your money sooner and it will be more believable.

I'm so happy Irvin isn't giving into a settlement and he's counter suing. It's about time one of these guys stand up for them selves because it's obvious the judges won't.

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