Friday, February 5, 2010

Live From Miami: The Craziest Thing About The Super Bowl

Celebrity sightings everywhere, stages on the beaches constantly, bill boards about Super Bowl Sunday all over the city. It's pretty crazy down here in Miami right now.

The craziest thing, though, is the price for tickets to the big game. Sure the game will be sold out, but at about $1,500 a piece just for normal upper deck seats is pretty ridiculous.

I was listening to the Paul and Young Ron Show, the #1 rated show down in South Florida, and they had on Late Night show host Jimmy Fallon who said it best. "You can buy a flat screen TV (watch the game) and throw it out the window (for those prices)."

It's so true. And it will be a much better view from your own living room watching the players close up in HD. Sure, you don't get the same atmosphere at home, but you don't get to watch all those Super Bowl commercials live at the game either. At least I think they don't play them on the jumbo screen during the breaks in action.

Besides, the atmosphere can be great, but with prices the way they are it's obvious the NFL wants the Super Bowl to be a corporate event. That's why they make it where ticket prices are way out of the price range for any normal sports fan. And what normal sports fan wants to party with a bunch of suits?

I call for a change in the prices. Seriously, the Pro Bowl had tickets for $30 bucks a piece, why can't it be that way for the Super Bowl? It's not like the NFL, or any NFL franchise and stadium are hurting for money as bad as the average sports fan is in this economy. The game's played for entertainment, so let the people that are the most passionate about the game be entertained in person, NFL.

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