Friday, January 23, 2009

Read This; I Quit, I'm Done, It's All Over

My schedule has just gotten way to hectic to keep up with all of the FAU sports.

Following every game and every event, I just can't do it anymore.

Some people that CAN do it are at FAU has multiple media members, which I work with for setting up interviews and the like, nearly on a daily basis. They do a great job so check them out.

I also want to give a little love to my ex-Palm Beach Post guys Marcus Nelson and Chuck King. They have a great website called Even though they are some what a competitor of mine, we're all in this here together and talk at all the games so it's not like we're enemies.

Stick it to the Post for trying to demote you to High School Sports, I love it. No disrespect to the Post because I understand the budget cuts, but I love seeing people stick up for what they believe in.

By the way, I want to do a little survey here. I signed up on the google analytics sight to track visitors to my blog but it seems to be down. It says no one has checked this out in over a month, and I have a couple of people who have told me they looked at it since then so I know there's a problem.

So, if you are reading this, write me a comment. Say as much or as little as you would like, I just want to know someone is looking at this. And I'd appreciate much more comments from here on out.

If you have any suggestions on improvements, feel free to give me your opinion. I've been working hard with Owl Radio, Owl TV, the University Press, 790 AM the Ticket on the Sid Rosenburg Show, Broward County delinquent tax section, plus my Multimedia Practicum that I take in Jupiter in order to graduate with a BA in Communications, and I take constructive criticism to the heart and love learning how to improve my craft.

Oh, yea, that's right, that wasn't a mistake, they make us drive to Jupiter to graduate. I live in Fort Lauderdale. It's a great experience working for a newspaper outside of school where I will have articles printed, but needless to say it's not the most convenient drive.

Anyway, thanks for your time. I'll get on some more interesting topics here more often instead of just updates. I look forward to the comments.

P.S... Click on those three google ads links on the top left if you'd like. It helps you find out sporting news including tickets, or what ever the advertisement it helps me out in the cash department.


Anonymous said...

i read this blog! please don't quit!! :)

Anonymous said...

"I've been working hard with Owl Radio, Owl TV, the University Press, 790 AM the Ticket on the Sid Rosenburg Show, Broward County delinquent tax section[...]"

HAHA. You're still there. Give Terry a hug from me ;)